Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Tonight the Pull Chain is Stuck

And it seems to be stuck 'ON'. It's almost 2 am and I'm wide awake. Maybe not wide awake, but too restless to sleep. Is this where I start turning into my dad and become an insomniac? Not sure what keeps him awake all hours, but I think my problem has something to do with too much Yerba Mate. A little something we opened early for Christmas that I just had to try...4 times since around 6 pm! Guess that'll learn ... oh what am I saying! There's no way that'll learn me. I love hot drinks and caffeine far too much to let this learn me.

It's a shame I don't have anything interesting going on in my head to pass on here. Mostly I was laying up there hearing noises (We've had one mouse in our pantry this winter and may have another.) and letting my brain try to figure out what - or who - could be making them. I suspicion it was just the house cooling after I turned the heat down to go to bed. But I finally had to get up and sit in the livingroom to make sure.

Simply riveting, isn't it?
Hey. It's me. Can't seem to remember my user name; maybe it's because I was up half the night, too, listening to noises and trying to quell the voices screaming in my head. Drinking too much tea, as well. There's one of those quandaries I find myself in frequently -- which of my parents' genes did I get the most of? If I consider how much like you I am, then it must be my Dad's side; but if that's true, then why do I hear my mother's voice the loudest? Perhaps I did get both, and that's why there's such a constant battle going on up there.
Oh, Deaner Beaner, still hearing voices? It is an ancient secret just how we mothers get that screeching voice to remain in your head.( Do you remember the Star Trek episode where Sheila the robot? points her finger and drones Harcourt Fenton Mudd have you been.....?) My former stepson Geoffrey claimed the voice he heard in his head was mine, not his mothers( hmm my evil plan was realized and he will probably go insane.)

The insomnia is a family trait from caffeine consumption, just got back from the land of the ancients(florida) and I have never seen so much caffeine being swilled, cups and never ending cups.AHHHHH! ( please note the drama).

As for turning into Dad, hmm, I must ponder that. Somehow I can't picture you going to the grocery store everyday at 7am to meet your little friends(the cashiers) he wanders all over LAke City telling old Navy stories.You have many of the same Ebenezer qualities he has but i see alot of you in both of them. You have a low tolerance for stupidity, clear ideas about what you believe and why, but most importantly, you (along with the rest of the family ) are pretty sure that we are the most interesting people we know and we enjoy our own company.

Eric and his band are playing at Memorial Auditorium on the Main Stage around 11:00 pm on First Nite. Though I don't care for his kind of noise I am proud of him. Need to be proud off him for something because the little s@$t has decided to drop oput of school and pursue a career in custodial sciences. Mommy's Little Angel.

Hogs and Kisses from the front, but I must get back to the personal war. Did I tell you I have developed a new super hero? She's MENOPAUSE AVENGER!!!!! And she will not rest until she has vanquished her nemesis MID-LIFE CRISIS MAN and his Bimbo, Bambi. Kinda got bored with Mucous Man and his side kick Phlegm.
If I were to hang out at the grocery store, it would have to be on Tuesday, where it's Senior Discount Day. It's an odd thing, this day. A sea of white haired folks (and blue and pink) all shuffling about gazing at the shelves as if they'd never seen Jif or Starkist Tuna or Little Friskies before. And the air has a certain 'je ne sais quoi' to it - a cross between old-people ass and pachouli oil (We're close to Woodstock, here. Yeah. That Woodstock.) It's uniquely surreal, living here in New Paltz.

A little of my being awake certainly had to do with what I'm calling 'Holiday FEH!' But I managed to turn that around by making that tree. It was fun and it got me to using my head to solve little problems. It felt like something once it was done. And when Becky got home it warmed the two of us up to the season. (Becky does retail and I know that one of you knows all too well what that means for this time of year.) It was good to see her bounce up to the closet and get out some of her holiday goodies...which are now hanging from lamps and from house plants and from some tinsel that we've strung.

I think that mom is right about needing a tree. It plucked a mental string and the vibrations were pretty good.

I hope the two of you have had good Christmas's. Sorry that the nephew has chosen the hard road - even though he thinks it's the easy road. Not sure why a yen for a band life is so at odds with finishing out school, but rebellion (even when they can't answer 'Rebellion against what?') seems to go hand-in-hand with the personality type. Like to say "I hope he knows what he's doing", but I know better than that. Guess it'll be "Hope he's lucky".

Happy Kwanz-hannu-kali-kristmas! or (if you prefer) Happy FEH!
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