Saturday, December 25, 2004

Of Course Picture 3 Ends Up on Top

Star? Angel? Alien? Posted by Hello

Ha! Completely out of context, isn't it? That's because the pictures of the 'tree' are below this detail shot of the 'star-like thingy'. That's because I loaded them this way and bolluxed up my intended order. And this blog-thing is a tougher task master than I am a student, because I haven't figured out how to change the order of my posts short of deleting and reloading...and I don't feel like it right now.

Anyway, this is the top of the Christmas Tree that I made for this years Christmas. It won't be everyone's cup-of-eggnog, but we like it! And after being together for three of Christmas seasons with no tree, it felt past time to do something that was in the spirit.

What Should be the Top Post

Christmas Tree Posted by Hello

So this is our pre-decorated Christmas tree. Not sure what I can tell you about its genesis that might shed any light upon the 'why' of it, but it definitely reflects the both of us. A little heavy grade colored paper, some wire hangers, a heavy duty wrapping paper tube, and lots of Elmer's glue.

I'd considered the traditional tree, which would have been our first, but I don't like them dead and I don't need a live one for my yard. I had finally decided not to bother when I had the urge (yesterday morning) to try and make this. Came out just as I wanted and it changed the mood of the house. My Sweetie came home and got holiday energized enough to pull out some of the goodies she has and we did a little more decorating! It was nice to pull the presents from around a 'tree' this morning.


O Christmas Tree Posted by Hello

So this is the thing that is passing for our Christmas tree. I'm not sure why it's all a-tilt, perhaps that's the way Becky sees it. Maybe she sees everything that way, which might explain why she's always looking at me with her head cocked. And here I was thinking that it was because she found me to be so interesting. Or odd.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Tonight the Pull Chain is Stuck

And it seems to be stuck 'ON'. It's almost 2 am and I'm wide awake. Maybe not wide awake, but too restless to sleep. Is this where I start turning into my dad and become an insomniac? Not sure what keeps him awake all hours, but I think my problem has something to do with too much Yerba Mate. A little something we opened early for Christmas that I just had to try...4 times since around 6 pm! Guess that'll learn ... oh what am I saying! There's no way that'll learn me. I love hot drinks and caffeine far too much to let this learn me.

It's a shame I don't have anything interesting going on in my head to pass on here. Mostly I was laying up there hearing noises (We've had one mouse in our pantry this winter and may have another.) and letting my brain try to figure out what - or who - could be making them. I suspicion it was just the house cooling after I turned the heat down to go to bed. But I finally had to get up and sit in the livingroom to make sure.

Simply riveting, isn't it?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


'Bells are chiming and tears are falling
It creeps up on you without a warning

Funny that I pulled this Elvis Costello off the cd rack a couple of days ago and that '45' is the first song on it. Not sure if the choice was a case of synchronicity or an instance of subliminal thought or just sheer coincidence, but it's certainly appropriate.

Then again, the name of the album is 'When I was Cruel' and maybe that's the connection....

Anyway. I'm officially 45 years old and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with it. I guess I'll just put the old turntable to 45 rpm's and hope there's gonna be a 78 in my future.

'Every scratch, every click, every heartbeat
Every breath that I bless
I'd be lost, I confess

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